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Package org.apache.geode.cache.client

The org.apache.geode.cache.client package provides APIs used for client connectivity and caching.

See: Description

Package org.apache.geode.cache.client Description

The org.apache.geode.cache.client package provides APIs used for client connectivity and caching.

Most clients will only need to create a ClientCache using a ClientCacheFactory.

A client configures the servers it will connect to by creating one or more pools. For most use cases one pool per client is all you need and the easiest way to get a single pool is to use ClientCacheFactory. If you do need more than one pool use a pool factory obtained from the pool manager before you create the cache using ClientCacheFactory.

An alternative to these APIs is to use the pool XML element as described in the cache6_5.dtd.

If you create more than one pool then for regions that will use a pool you need to configure the pool name on the regions. This can be done by setting the pool name on the region using the API or using the pool-name attribute on the region-attributes as described in the cache6_5.dtd.

Client Declarative Caching

A "caching XML file" declares regions, entries, and attributes. When a ClientCache is created its contents can be initialized according to a caching XML file. The top level element must be a client-cache element.

The Document Type Definition for a declarative cache XML file can be found in "doc-files/cache6_5.dtd". For examples of declarative cache XML files see example1.

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