Tuning Client/Server Event Messaging
The server uses an asynchronous messaging queue to send events to its clients. Every event in the queue originates in an operation performed by a thread in a client, a server, or an application in the server’s or some other cluster. The event message has a unique identifier composed of the originating thread’s ID combined with its member’s distributed system member ID, and the sequential ID of the operation. So the event messages originating in any single thread can be grouped and ordered by time from lowest sequence ID to highest. Servers and clients track the highest sequential ID for each member thread ID.
A single client thread receives and processes messages from the server, tracking received messages to make sure it does not process duplicate sends. It does this using the process IDs from originating threads.
The client’s message tracking list holds the highest sequence ID of any message received for each originating thread. The list can become quite large in systems where there are many different threads coming and going and doing work on the cache. After a thread dies, its tracking entry is not needed. To avoid maintaining tracking information for threads that have died, the client expires entries that have had no activity for more than the subscription-message-tracking-timeout