restore redundancy
Restore redundancy to partitioned regions and optionally reassign which members host the primary copies.
The default is for all partitioned regions to have redundancy restored and to reassign primary hosts. If any region that would have redundancy restored is a member of a colocated group, all other regions that are part of that group will also have their redundancy restored. This behavior takes precedence over any included or excluded regions specified as part of the command. See Data Colocation Between Regions
Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh
to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
restore redundancy [--include-region=value(,value)*] [--exclude-region=value(,value)*] [--reassign-primaries(=value)]
Name | Description | Default Value |
‑‑include‑region | Partitioned Region paths to be included for restore redundancy operation. Includes take precedence over excludes. | |
‑‑exclude‑region | Partitioned Region paths to be excluded for restore redundancy operation. | |
‑‑reassign‑primaries | If false, this operation will not attempt to reassign which members host primary buckets. | true |
Example Commands:
restore redundancy
restore redundancy --include-region=/region3,/region2 --exclude-region=/region1
Sample Output:
restore redundancy --include-region=/region3,/region2 --exclude-region=/region1
Number of regions with zero redundant copies = 0
Number of regions with partially satisfied redundancy = 0
Number of regions with fully satisfied redundancy = 2
Redundancy is fully satisfied for regions:
region3 redundancy status: SATISFIED. Desired redundancy is 2 and actual redundancy is 2.
region2 redundancy status: SATISFIED. Desired redundancy is 1 and actual redundancy is 1.
Total primary transfers completed = 224
Total primary transfer time (ms) = 4134