Apache Geode CHANGELOG


Undeploy the JAR files that were deployed on members or groups using deploy command.

If --jars is not specified, the command will undeploy all deployed JARs. If --groups is not specified, the command applies to the entire cluster. Note that this command can’t unload the classes that were loaded during deployment. Member(s) should be restarted for that.

Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh to a JMX Manager member to use this command.


undeploy [--jars=value(,value)*] [--groups=value(,value)*]

Name Description Default Value
‑‑groups Group(s) from which the specified JAR(s) will be undeployed. undeploy will occur on all members
‑‑jars JAR or JARs to be undeployed. All JARs will be undeployed

Table 1. Undeploy Parameters

Example Commands:

undeploy --jars=domain-objects.jar
undeploy --groups=Group1

Sample Output:

gfsh>undeploy --jars=domain-objects.jar

  Member   |  Un-Deployed JAR   |         Un-Deployed From JAR Location        
---------- | ------------------ | ---------------------------------------------
datanode10 | domain-objects.jar | /usr/local/gemfire/deploy/GF#domain-objects#1
datanode11 | domain-objects.jar | /usr/local/gemfire/deploy/GF#domain-objects#1 

gfsh> undeploy --groups=Group1

 Member   |     Un-Deployed JAR     |             Un-Deployed From JAR Location        
--------- | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------
datanode1 | group1_functions.jar    | /usr/local/gemfire/deploy/GF#group1_functions.jar#1
datanode1 | group1_dependencies.jar | /usr/local/gemfire/deploy/GF#group1_dependencies.jar#1 
datanode2 | group1_functions.jar    | /usr/local/gemfire/deploy/GF#group1_functions.jar#1
datanode2 | group1_dependencies.jar | /usr/local/gemfire/deploy/GF#group1_dependencies.jar#1

Error Messages:

No JAR Files Found